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Why you should register your firm as a sole proprietorship

Why you should register your firm as a sole proprietorship has been constructed to help startups to get in pace with the market. Here you can fill online proprietorship firm registration India forms. The website offers consultancy to the new companies who are lost and do not know where to start. Firms can register their proprietorship with us any time they want to. They can also call us to do the same.

Sole Proprietorship Registration Online In India

Key features   

?    Secrecy: Only a businessman knows about his business and he has no obligation to produce his accounts in front of anyone. Hence his competitors do not know where he stands in his business. 

?    Freeform government control: Sole Proprietor Firm Registration India allows a businessman to operate the business more freely.   

?    Low-cost formation and management: To register yourself as a sole proprietorship you do not need to pay anything except for proprietorship firm registration fee online and license fee in some cases. Also, the cost of management is also nothing as specialists are not required to run parts of the business.
Benefits of registering your Proprietorship

?    Constructed easily: There are no legal requirements for the formation of a sole proprietorship. Only a little amount of sum can help an entrepreneur set up a business. 

?    Better control: The entrepreneur checks out everything on his own. His eyes are everywhere and on everything.  

?    Dissolution: The dissolution of a sole proprietorship is as easy as the formation. There are no rules to abide by. The entrepreneur can take dissolve his business any time he wants to.
Here we have given some key features and benefits of sole proprietorship registration India. But there are also some myths about proprietorship which stops some firms from registering themselves. Let us go through them to get a better understanding of the registration.

?    The registration process is complex: This is not true. Registration is quite simple and not costly at all. It does not involve any complexities of a corporation. 

?    It seems less professional: If you have registered yourself then it means you have registered legally which means your business is as serious as any other business. It will not harm the reputation and seriousness of your business.

?    Growth is limited: This is not only untrue but it is also the opposite. In a sole proprietorship, businesses grow more. 

?    They are all home-based: When people talk about sole proprietorship they picture bloggers, freelance designers, etc. but the truth is that sole proprietorship is not limited to that. 
There are some easy steps through which you can register your firm. The first step is to apply for proprietor PAN. then you need to decide a name for the business. After that, you need to get your firm authorized with a chartered accountant. For TDS deductions apply for the Tan registration. If an entrepreneur wants he can register his business under MSME Act 2006. It is not mandatory but it could be beneficial for the business. In the end, opening a bank account in the name of the business is recommended. 

So as you saw there were no complexities in registering yourself as a sole proprietorship. Go with if without having second thoughts. 

Neusource Startup Minds is the Best  Business Startup Consultant in India, Offer various services like Proprietorship Firm Registration, Partnership Firm Registration and more services like Annual Compliance for Company and GST Compliance.

10 Dec

NeuSource Startup
Akash Rai

"Any time is a good time to start a company.” Neusource indulge in providing business consultancy services which help startups to accomplish their desired results as a TAJ EXPRESS. If you’re passionate about something and you work hard, then neusource is the right choice for you.

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