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Video tutorial signifies the pictorial description of the matter or product of any startup that can be display on internet based platform. It is one of the best medium of advertising business which depicts the clear image of the product and show intellect of the business person who is trying to trade. The impact of videos is always long lasting instead of the impact of normal texting information. It is an easy-to-digest presentation that helps our eyes a rest from the redundancies of textual information online.


Before we start our discussion of video tutorial, let us understand what a tutorial is. A tutorial is a method of transferring knowledge from one source to a group of medium involving the use of proper examples and situations to make the users understand the content easily and effectively. Video tutorials involve the use of videos which can be viewed by the users to understand and learn about any particular subject and practice about it. Tutorial videos are becoming more and more acceptable now a days in every educational sector, corporate sector and even in the startup industry that holds the basic knowledge only. It is relatively newer method of educating someone about any sector in the corporates. A tutorial video typically involves the explanation of any product or service in detail that specify the step by step procedures by giving proper examples, involving charts, drawings and some queries to better understand the content thoroughly.

Prerequisites having a Good Video

1.Select the right tools of recording.

2.Choose the right recording background location.

3.Rehearse about 2-3 times before recording.

4.Keep your ideas simple and clear while recording a video.

5.Think about your viewers while making content.

6.Select a good editing team or resources.

7.Select a right platform to upload your tutorial video.

8.Make your video as short as possible in which your content fits.

9.The language choosen should be understood by large number of audience.

10.Don’t speed up your content to complete your video in  time.

Key Features & Benefits

From learning to fun, let’s get it done

Informing and Educating

One of the best ways to increase your customer base is to make people more attentive about your business and to inform them who you are and what you do and in what business you deal.

Video can take you up by leading search

When viewers see your video tutorials or hang out on your site while watching it then, Google interprets that you are providing the valuable information to the visitor. This helps to move up in search result rankings.

Video can increase your online existence

Once you get identified and established your brand in the market then it is important to remain in the competition. Only creative or innovative videos help you to make more of your online existence.

Enhance your mobile marketing

A lot of people are satisfied with online buying rather than going to stores as it makes them easier to buy things. Video tutorials help them to believe that you are selling a correct product which will increase your sales as well.

Convey information more efficiently

It is easy for your audience to watch a video on your product or services rather than reading a whole text information.

Excellent return on investment

A smart, impressive and significant video may lead to significant financial payoff or increase your return on investments made on these videos.


Our practical teaching, key learning of all.

Why do we Need Video Tutorial?

It is observed from past years, popularity of video marketing gets advanced. In 2016 we saw an upward movement in the industry of advertisement and afterwards, we are the live example of witnessing their continuous upward movement. According to a video marketing 2019 survey, surprisingly 99% of marketers are using video concept, in which evaluators said mostly are planning to spend more on the concept of video model rather than they did in preceding years.

Earlier video marketing is used only in the field of education but now other industries are also emerging in promoting their business by way of tutorial video approach. In the era of innovative technologies or one can say in the era of mobile phone and internet, sharp-witted entrepreneurs are using it as a medium of generating revenue. With the world moving more and more towards the digitalization, now the learning is also gets affected by this. Video tutorials are more acceptable because of its flexibility. It can be useful for the people of remote areas also as use of charts, tables, pictures makes the video more attractive and eye catching from the older method of learning. Anyone can get benefit from any place, even at home. Video tutorials are a great substitute of books. Anyone can watch and get knowledge from it on any subject. They can be used again and again till the content is clear as they offer pause, rewind feature.

What is Intro and Outro in any Video?

Intro to Tutorial Videos

Inside a couple of moments, the consumers make their mind whether they will see the total video or not. It is imperative to make a decent and innovative introduction for your tutorial videos. To start a video with the use of animation helps to seem you as professional or expert in this area. Color combination must be alluring with the goal that a crowd of people can stuck their eyes over it. In the presentation, the speaker ought to be clear, expressive and respectful and must have an ordinary complement with the goal that anybody can get it.

Outro to Tutorial Videos

Outro is the closing part of the video in which the speaker focuses on the conclusion of the video and the important points that include the whole topic. Enjoying the video, membership of the channel is being one of them. Including the animated logo at the start and end is a great way to ensure that speaker will get reminded by the viewers and they know who you are.

Sample of Videos

What is video Shoot & Editing?

Once the script is ready, the next step is to record the video for the viewers to view it and get benefit from it. Video shooting is done with the help of a video recorder, microphones and editing software. Editing of the video is required before the final video is made to remove any discrepancies like noise, eco, overlapping and useless lines and words. Once the editing is done, the video is ready to be used or published.

What is Scripting of Video?

A video script is the blueprint or a written character, foundation which represents the video tutorials to guide you how to make a good video presentation. It's a chronological run-down of instructions which helps you to give you an overall idea of the length of your video. Pre decided written script not only improves the video quality, but it creates a positive experience for everyone.

Services Offered by NeuSource

  • Less than 5 minutes
  • Topic and Keyword Search
  • Script Editing
  • Thumbnail Creation
  • Video Shoot
  • Video Editing
  • HD Delivery with 1 Revision
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  • Less than 10 minutes
  • Lite+
  • Video Intro With Logo
  • Video Outro
  • Script Writing
  • Male Model Hiring
  • HD Delivery with 1 Revision
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  • Less than 15 minutes
  • Basic+
  • Female Model Hiring
  • Video Editing with Animation
  • Youtube Channel Creation
  • 500 Organic Video Like
  • HD Delivery with 1 Revision
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Our Process of Creating Tutorial Video

  • Research on your Business

    The first step of creating any video tutorial is to understand your customer business and thoroughly going through the research. Before starting any script, it’s important to do necessary research on the business, the product details and audience. It is important to understand what your viewer wants from your side. It is good to conduct surveys in the market on desire of your viewers.

  • Select Topic and Planning

    After conducting necessary surveys or research, the next step is to select your key focus business areas which need to be tackled in your video tutorials. Proper planning must be covered from the scratch to the marketing.

  • Scripting

    After selecting key focus areas, we do make a plan on how to make videos, what should be intro, focus areas, outro of the video. In this step we prepare the script of the client’s video and make it approve from your side.

  • Shooting and Framing

    In this step we carve your ideas into digital framework and perform necessary video shoot. Client may also be part of the video or any anchor can perform such work to explain the key products or services of business. While shooting, special attention should be made on the voice quality, speed of speaking, accent. Try to be polite and clearly audible.

  • Editing

    Editing means checking the video and to remove any discrepancies like unwanted noise, eco, unnecessary lines, unclear words from the video to make every second of it meaning full and necessary. After the shooting gets done, our professionals will perform the necessary editing to make your video more lucrative or creative.

  • Testing

    After all the necessary editing is performed, we will provide you a testimonials video before uploading it to any social platform to make it assured that all the key matters, ‘what the customer is requiring’, are placed in the video. That’s not enough as we test this video by sending it to our team, group of 15-20 person, so as to make sure that video is free from any defaults.

  • Delivery

    At last, after the client confirmation, we will deliver all the necessary videos to him and make it satisfy from our work.

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We give best, Because you deserve best.


Inspiration on each page. Neusource has came with tones of experience. Each booklet contains 16-24 page topic specific research work. A lot can change with just one booklet......

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  • What is a Video Tutorial?

    A video tutorial is a method of transferring knowledge about any subject by a specialist to anyone who is willing to learn. Proper step by step has to be adopted to explain the objective of any topic with the help of animations, charts, graphs, pictures etc.

  • Is it Important to Hire a Professional to Represent Your Business Online?

    Apparently yes, as it is correctly said, the professionals will give you better knowledge and understanding to help you in making your goals attained. However there are a lot of applications which helps a beginner not having much resource to initiate their video.

  • Whether Branding your Business Online is Important?

    Yes, to stay in the competitive outrage environment where to identify the business model, one explore whether it has globally presence or not. It is important for you to make steps to convert your business online as it will give you more customers across the world.

  • How much Time duration can be Invested in Recording one Video?

    There is no time restriction on the videos on the other hand, it is observed that the viewers favor short, precise, innovative video tutorials as a substitute than prolonged one. However in the education industry it is important to have long videos as this helps the learner to catch the content properly.

  • How can one make a Tutorial Video?

    For this, person needs some basic hardware’s like camera, screen recorder and headphones. Apart from this, it does require to have decent editing software to edit and present your video.

  • Are Video Tutorials Useful?

    Absolutely, in fact they replace the traditional model of learning. In today’s advance peer groups wants smart learning model along with the entertainment but traditional approach seems very slow as it becomes the outraged way of learning for upcoming generation.


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