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fssai Rrgistration

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Register the food business!! Doing the right things when nobody is looking

Key Features & Benefits

More valued food quality , more outcomes you accomplish

As per the new set of regulations, it is possible to run or extend your business overseas

When the time comes When the time comes for your business to expand in other areas or outlets, you can easily do so with the use of your FSSAI license. The license will help you to establish your reputation and also qualification to grow your business in a new direction with ease

The food business can get various lawful advantages

Most of the businesses identify getting an FSSAI license as an expensive, time consuming and inconvenient process of documentation, thus they try to avoid getting the license. But, in reality, the process is not so cumbersome and we can help you get the license with ease

Increases trust and awareness of the customer.

A trademark standardizes the product and services provided by the business entity in the market. This builds up the In this age of information, consumers have become more alert and informative about the quality of the food which they eat. It will provide your customers with the certain confidence seeing that your brand or business is FSSAI registered, and it will make it easier for them to trust your business with the feeling of goodwill.

You can utilize the FSSAI logo, which can assemble a generosity among the clients.

YOnce you have the license, you can skillfully use the FSSAI logo in your menu cards and also in the pamphlets in order to publicise your food's superior quality over others.


Customers cares, if the quality is realistic.

What is Fssai registration?

Every Food Business Operator in the country is required to be approved under the Food Safety &Standards Authority of India. The licensing and enrollment methodology and prerequisites are managed by Food Safety and Standards (Licensing and Registration of food Business). Registration intended for insignificant food producers that incorporates insignificant retailer, seller, nomad merchant or a transitory slowdown holder or little or cabin scale industry having yearly turnover up to 12 lakhs. This is also known as FSSAI license in Delhi. We can also call it a food certificate in Delhi. This as well as FSSAI is responsible for securing and advancing general wellbeing by the administration and supervision of sanitation. Along these lines, its enrollment or licensing is significant for the food business.

 What is Fssai registration

 Importance of Fssai registration
Importance of Fssai registration

Each food business administrator engaged with the assembling, handling, stockpiling appropriation and offer of food items should necessarily get FSSAI Registration or online food license in India. FSSAI Registration in India is quite the same as the FSSAI License as in relying upon the size and nature of the business, FBO ought to get the essential registration or license. It is a 14-digit registration or a license number that is imprinted on all the food bundles. This registration system is expected to take greater responsibility on the FBO to keep up the nature of the food items. Online FSSAI registration in India helps the public to complete the registration process very easily.

  • Customer awareness
  • Legitimate advantage
  • Business expansion

Procedure of Fssai registration in India

FSSAI registration or FSSAI license depends on the business volume and premises. This is the online FSSAI registration in India. It is used for online food license in India.

  • Visit the online site, On need, you should check your qualification standards; regardless of whether you are qualified for a State License, a Central License, or a Basic License. Contingent upon the turnover, an individual applying for an FSSAI license can be qualified for one of the above mentioned.
  • Pick out a username and password which will wrap the sign-up. Sign in into your FSSAI accounts in the wake of getting a SMS or Email insistence for your new FSSAI account.
  • Subsequently after signing in to your FSSAI account, go to the FSSAI license registration at and input the significant data. Another significant note is that one should finish the FSSAI registration process in a hurry. Whenever done something else, at that point, the structure will be viewed as fragmented and afterwards dismissed, and you should begin the procedure all once more.
  • Before presenting the finished structure, duplicate it and remove a print from the equivalent. Keeping a printed version of the registration structure will license you to recollect the data that you gave and help in future reference if necessary.
  • After applying for the FSSAI license in Delhi, you will see a reference number on the structure. Note down or spare the number as it is required to assist you with following the advancement of the FSSAI license registration structure.
Documents required
  • Pan Card, Aadhar card, Passport size photograph of directors, promoters or proprietors.
  • Utility bill with NOC is required. It includes Electricity bill or another supported proof.
  • If premises in rented then rent agreement required.
  • Business details of entity.
  • Certificate of incorporation, LLP Agreement, Partnership Agreement as the case may be.
  • Photograph of place where the food business operates.

Food safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) was presented by the in 2006. FSSAI is a lawful position that offers a food license to all food organizations in India. FSSAI is completely liable for building up the norm, standards, and controls to assist food organizations in India. FSSAI provides online food registration certificate to the approved companies. This online food registration certificate helps the companies get registered easily without doing much effort. This license confirms that the food business runs with an approved license or food certificate in Delhi for quality check.


Fssai Registration Packages

  • FSSAI Registration Certificate
  • Dedicated FSSAI Consultant
  • Includes Government Fee
  • Delivered in 7 Days
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  • FSSAI State License Certificate
  • Dedicated FSSAI Consultant
  • Includes Government Fee
  • Delivered in 10 Days
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  • FSSAI Central License Certificate
  • Dedicated FSSAI Consultant
  • Includes Government Fee
  • Delivered in 15 Days
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We do it with MONEY BACK GUARANTEE for Fssai Registration Packages in JUST 15 DAYS

We concern the matters relating to false guarantees and specifically addressed the same by providing the MONEY BACK GUARANTEE for the service in simply 15 working days. When an individual not absolutely pleased with the services for which he paid, he might standup the disappointment with a describing observation. We maintain with precaution and issue a refund or credit the charge card according to the internal refund policy.


Fssai Registration Online Process in India

Establish food safety and standards in market with FSSAI

  • Process_1

    Checking eligibility

    For obtaining central license, state license or registration certificate as applicable, first have to check the eligibility option. If it confirms then have to apply for license.

  • Process_2

    Obtaining documents

    For filing the application one has to collect the common documents required for submitting with the authority.

  • Process_3

    Submission of form with the authority

    FSSAI registration is initiated by submitting form (application) to food and safety department. Food business dealers can apply for new license or for renewing an existing. Self-attested declaration in the specified format should be attached along with the form.

  • Process_4

    Uploading of documents

    After completing the required details, applicant needs to attach certain documents as demanded by FSSAI portal depending upon the main object.

  • Process_5

    Acceptance of the application by the department

    This application can be accepted or it may be disallowed by the department within the period of 7 days from the application date. If the application is accepted, then the department will grant a registration certificate with the registration number and the photo of the applicant.

  • Process_6

    Display of certificate

    Food business operators should display the certificate of the registration at the place of business during the business hours.

Documents Required For Fssai Registration Packages

One cannot think well, sleep well, if one has not dined well so take it now

  • Name of unit (restaurants, café etc.)
  • Details of proprietor, directors, partners (KYC includes photographs also)
  • Business details
  • Annual turnover
  • Utility bill of business place ( Electricity bill )
  • If rented then rent agreement with NOC
  • FSMS certificate

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Start now!! What you can do for your business

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Declarations convey argument though Questions bring harmony.

  • What are the requirements of FSSAI ?

    People who wish to start their businesses in the food sector have to obtain FSSAI license to carry any food-related business. Food business entities need FSSAI License depending upon the eligibility and the type of business they wish to run.

  • What are the benefits of FSSAI ?

    FSSAI license increases trust and awareness of the customer. Now, the consumers have become more alert and informative about the quality of the food which they eat. It provides them a certain confidence seeing that brand is FSSAI registered.

  • How many types of food license are there ?

    There are 3 types of food license:

    Central License: If the annual turnover of the business is above 20 crores, then the food business operator shall apply for central license form B.

    State License: The food businesses required to register their business with FSSAI from state government when the annual turnover is between 12 to 20 crores.

    FSSAI Basic Registration: A petty business dealer whose annual turnover of the food businesses is less than 12 lakhs is required to apply for license with form A.

  • How much time taken by FSSAI department to issue certificate ?

    Generally, basic FSSAI Registration takes 7 to 12 working days for approval. State license and central license takes approx. 45 to 60 days for generation of certificate.

  • Whether FSSAI required to be renewed ?

    Registration certificate is required to be renewed when the validity got expired. If the application for FSSAI License renewal is not documented in the stipulated time, then Rs. 100 per day would be fined. Non-renewal of the FSSAI or food license could lead a punishment.



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