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Other Registration

Building a better working world.

Key Features & Benefits

Society for people, not for profit

Law for Society Registration

Societies are governed by Societies Registration Act

Number of Person

7 persons are required to form a society with no upper limit

Bye Laws Modification

Complete renewal of members is possible and objects can be modified easily

Simple Registration

The legal requirements are much simpler than in the case of a trust or Section 25 companies.

Stamp Duty Required

Members have to file an MOA on non-judicial stamp paper, setting out the objectives of the society before the registrar of societies in the state in which the society is set up.

Changes in Composition

Society has a more democratic set up with membership and an elected body to manage the society. Due to democratic procedures, the society can be taken over by elements opposed to the founding members.


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About Society Registration

Society Registration is the process of registering a society legally. This registration process is performed under the act of 1860. The purposes of doing society registration are Literature Promotion, Fine Arts Promotion, Science Promotion, and Grant for charitable Assistance, Charitable Objectives and Social Welfare.

Importance of Society Registration

It doesn't matter what sort of NGO you run or continue. You may vary in the area you work, but you must have the overall goal and the ability to support others in education, in the art, in skill growth, etc. When you want to start an NGO, you need a well-stated objective and a straightforward mission through which it can develop and run.

The legal status and responsibility for the funds earned are granted to a registered NGO. The ethical, social and legal values of our society are improved by an agency which is recognized as an NGO. Another benefit of society registration is that the organization is in the eyes of the law a distinct legal body. Owing to this distinction, members of these non-governmental organizations, and not of their groups, are responsible only for the actions taken by them.

Compulsory Registration under GST

Documents required for society registration

If you are doing Online NGO Society Registration in India or even if you are registering manually following are documents required for online NGO society registration in Delhi,

  • Founding members request for registration by signing a letter.
  • A substantial copy of the organization memorandum sign up along with a duplicate by the founding members.
  • A certified copy of the clarified rules and regulations sign up with a duplicate by the founding members.
  • Table with all the details of founding members like names, profession and address.
  • A sworn revelation oath affirming the ties between the subscribers either of the President or the Governor.
  • Non objection certificate by the landlord.

So, these are the documents required for online NGO society registration in Delhi, and you can submit the required documents by online NGO Society Registration in India by accessing Society registration form online.

Society Registration Procedure in Delhi as per society act 1860

The process becomes very easy once you log into the official site and follow the given steps. If you are concerned about the Society registration fees Delhi, do not be worried about the fees. It is as affordable.

The founding members should first agree to the name of the company for registration in the company and then prepare the documents, accompanied by the rules and regulations of the company.

This procedure involves two processes,

  • Name Selection It is important to recognize when choosing a name for the registration of society that an equivalent or identical name for a company already registered is not permitted under the Society Act of 1860. Furthermore, for any patronage of the government of India or the provisions of the 1950 Emblem &Names Act, the proposed name shall not signify any fascination.
  • Memorandum of Association Every person who is the establishing member, witness Gazette officer, Notary Public, Chartered accountant, Oath Commissioner, Advocate, First class Judicial Officer or Chartered Accountant with official stamping and full address, shall sign the Memorandum of Understanding along with the rules and rules of society. The document will contain information and titles, addresses, designations and professions of members of the register of society. After considering all facts, finally society gets registered.
Attributes regarding society registration
  • At least seven or more members are required to register a society in India.
  • If companies or corporations registered outside India are interested in starting a business in India, they will have to subscribe to the Indian corporate memorandum.
  • A banking account under its name is a necessary prerequisite for operations by an NGO. It is compulsory to register as a trust, corporation or Section 8 business if an account is to be opened.
  • In order to apply for a tax exemption from the income tax office, registration of an NGO is mandatory.
  • NGOs that are licensed as a society, however, are covered by the law and are eligible for various government advantages.
  • You can register your society by filling the Society registration form online along with the compulsory documents.
  • The period required to get your society registered is about one month generally.


Society Registration of Packages

  • 1. Society By-laws
  • 2. Registration Certificate
  • 3. PAN/TAN Acknowledgement
  • 4. Minimum 7 Members Required
  • 5. Call us For EMI Option
  • 6. Delivered in 30 Days
Send Proposal
  • 1. Package-1+
  • 2. Trademark Filing
  • 3. ISO Certification
  • 4. GST Registration
  • 5. Call us For EMI Option
  • 6. Delivered in 30 Days
Send Proposal
  • 1. Package-2+
  • 2. Income Tax Compliances
  • 3. GST Compliances
  • 4. Call us For Monthly Subscription
  • 5. Delivered before Due Date
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We do it with MONEY BACK GUARANTEE for Society Registration in JUST 7 DAYS

We concern the matters relating to false guarantees and specifically addressed the same by providing the MONEY BACK GUARANTEE for the service in simply 7 working days. When an individual not absolutely pleased with the services for which he paid, he might standup the disappointment with a describing observation. We maintain with precaution and issue a refund or credit the charge card according to the internal refund policy.


Process of Society Registration online

The way a team plays as a whole regulates its accomplishment

  • Process_1

    Selection of name for Society.

    While selecting a name for society registration, it is important that name must not be an identical or similar with existing registered society. Furthermore, the name shall not recommend any patronage of government of India or infringing the requirements of Emblem & Names Act, 1950. The founder members of society have to elect one name for the society.

  • Process_2

    Drafting of Moa with rules & regulations

    The memorandum along with rules & regulations of society must be signed by every member and witness by notary public, gazette officer, oath commissioner, advocate, chartered accountant or magistrate first class. This must also contain details of members of the society registration along with their complete information like name, designation, address and occupation.

  • Process_3

    Execution of society registration documents

    The following documents will be prepared, signed and submitted for society registration to registrar of society:

    All members will sign one covering letter and attach in documents

    Duplicate copy of MOA of society along with certified copy

    Duplicate copy of rules & regulations of society duly signed by all members

    Proof of registered office of society with NOC

    One affidavit by secretary or president of society declaring relationship among subscribers

    Draft in minutes form regarding the society registration along with providing some essential documents.

  • Process_4

    Submitting of documents

    All signed documents with other attachments have to submit to Registrar of societies for the registration under the act.

Documents Required For Society Registration

Individually, we are one dewdrop. Together, we are deep ocean

  • Title of society (Name)
  • Business details, byelaws
  • Memorandum along with rules & regulations
  • Covering letter, list of members etc.

Submit Document here

If you desire to drive fast, go alone. If you want to go far-off, go composed.

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Knowledge is power and it increases when shared and distributed.

  • Who can be considered to become the members in society ?

    The person who signed the list of members and paid the amount of subscription as per the rules and regulations of society will be considered as member.

  • How many members are required to form a society ?

    Minimum seven people are required to form a society.

  • What is the benefit of society registration ?

    Main purpose to form a society is social welfare like promotion of education, health, employment in society etc. Society registration will be treated as NGO under the societies registration act, 1860.

  • Can society be converted into trust ?

    The society can do all the acts of trusts. There is no requirement to convert the society into a trust.

  • How society is different from trust ?

    Societies are similar in character to trusts, although there a few essential differences. When we talk about membership, only 2 people will be allowed to form a trust whereas in society, minimum 7 members are required.



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