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Other Compliances

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ROC Event Based Compliances

  • There are certain forms and application which required to be signed digitally i.e. for MCA fillings, for e-tender filings, for ITR and GST of corporate entities. In all these cases the applicant must have to possess his signatures in digital forms. Apart from the above-mentioned cases, DSC can be applied to various electronic documents also
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  • Whenever there is an appointment or resignation of Directors or Partners in any Company or LLP, then intimation to the ROC in electronic forms, within due date is required. Failing to which attracts penalties. Company and every officer who is in default shall be punishable with the fine for the period for which default continues.
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  • Whenever shares are being issued, allotted and transferred, then few formalities are required to be complied with i.e. passing of resolutions, filling forms with ROC, and making entry in registers. These compliances are mandatory to comply within due dates to avoid penalties.
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  • Winding up of Private Limited Company is a lengthy and time-consuming process, it requires Perparation and filling of various documents and forms with concerned ROC. Professionals who are dealing with these matters regularly can be of great help to peruse the process smoothly because visiting various government departments and liasioning with the concerned officer is required in this process.
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  • Winding up of LLP is a lengthy and time consuming process, it requires Perparation and filling of various documents and forms with concerned ROC. Professionals who are dealing with these matters regularly can be of great help to peruse the process smoothly, because visiting in various government departments and liasioning with concerned officer is required in this process.
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  • Winding up of One Person Company is a lengthy and time-consuming process, it requires Perpar-ation and filling of various documents and forms with concerned ROC. Professionals who are dealing with these matters regularly can be of great help to peruse the process smoothly because visiting various government departments and liasioning with the concerned officer is required in this process.
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  • For changing name of any entity approval from Central Government is required. Along with this approval, few forms with required documents will be filed to concern ROC for approving the change of name. Desired name availability must be checked before proceeding for name change.
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  • For expanding the business many organizations pursue to change its business objective. Change in objective is a time consuming and lengthy process as it requires the drafting of resolutions, getting approval from members and filing forms with concerned ROC.
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  • Changing the registered address of any company or LLP requires filling of various forms and documents with ROC. After approval of the form, these changes shall be appearing on every document of the company i.e. Letterheads, Visiting Cards, Websites, Name Plates etc.
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  • There are certain forms and application which required to be signed digitally with class – III DSC only, i.e. for filling various government or private e-tender, class – III Digital Signature is mandatory. In these cases, the applicant must have to possess his signatures in class – III digital signature certificate only. Apart from the above-mentioned cases, class – III DSC can be applied to various electronic documents also.
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  • There are few registers record which are manda-tory to be maintained and proper entry shall be made to these. register as per required laws. I.e. Register of Members, Register of Debenture-holder, Minute Books of Board of Directors and Committees of the Board, Minutes Books of General Meetings and Creditors Meetings, Books of accounts, etc.
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  • Being a separate legal entity, companies can give effect to its decision by way of proper resolutions. The decision of various meetings i.e. board and committee meetings are recorded in the minutes' books of the company at regular interval as required by the Company Act and the decision of these meetings shall be recorded in the minute’s book of the company, which shall be kept at the registered office of the company.
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‘You may have several queries, if Neusource is with you then no worries’.

  • What is ROC Event based compliances?

    When compliances requirement arises by way of occurrence of any particular event like change in directors, change of registered office, change in authorized share capital etc., then such compliances is known as ROC Event Based compliances.

  • List some Roc Event Compliances.

    Here are some Event based compliances as follows:

    Issuance of Share Certificates

    Change in Directors/Designated Partners

    Name Change of company or LLP

    Alteration in the MOA and AOA

  • On whom, ROC Event Compliances applies?

    These compliances are applicable on company as well as LLP. Whenever there are some changes in management of company or LLP in day to day activity then some intimation is required to submit to ROC in applicable E-Forms as found on MCA.

  • What is the importance of Event Based Compliances in a Company?

    Event based compliances in a company are equally important. If any changes happened in company just like changes in management, its legal structure then company needs to notify to registrar of company.

  • How Neusource can help for event based compliances in a Company?

    If yours is a newly registered company or a well-established one, a businessman always wants to keep their focus on their business. While concentrate on the business development part of it, Neusource can help you by providing the support services regarding ROC compliance or any other kind of event based compliances timely in a company.


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