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Other Compliances

Avoid Penalty, File the Returns timely.


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GST Compliances

  • Businesses with annual turnover up to Rs 1.5 crore can opt for composition scheme. Turnover of all businesses with same PAN has to be added up to calculate turnover for the purpose of composition scheme. RETURN - Only one return i.e. GSTR-4 on a quarterly basis and an annual return in form GSTR-9A.
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  • A dealer has to file a return even if he has no business activity in a month i.e. no sales in a month. Return – In case of no outward supplies, a dealer has to file a Nil GSTR -1
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  • Whenever shares are being issued, allotted and transferred, then few formalities are required to be complied with i.e. passing of resolutions, filling forms with ROC, and making entry in registers. These compliances are mandatory to comply within due dates to avoid penalties.
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You may have several queries, if Neusource is with you then no worries.

  • Who is eligible to file Return under GST law?

    Every registered person will have to file returns under GST. They have to file returns either monthly or quarterly basis and can be opt for composition scheme.

  • Whether description of each object will have to be uploaded in the invoice?

    No. In fact, description is not required to be uploaded. Only HSN code in respect of supply of items and service accounting code in respect of supply of services will have to be uploaded.

  • What are the penalties of no longer filling return within the prescribed date?

    A registered supplier who submit return beyond the due date is accountable to pay charges as a late fee of Rs 100/- for each day of delay, concern to maximum Rs 5000/. For failure to furnish annual returns by due date, late fee of Rs 100/- for every day for the duration of which such failure continues concern to maximum of an amount calculated at a quarter percentage ie; 0.25% of his state turnover, will be levied.

  • I am exporter of services, and then is it compulsory to take GST Number?

    Yes. It is compulsory to register under GST even all outward supplies are export services or zero rated. Only registered supplier will be eligible to claim refunds

  • By getting GST Registration, Prices will shoot up?

    Though the GST rates seem high, it is solely due to the fact the entire tax is now seen to the costumer. Earlier most of the taxes like central and state excise, additional excise, purchase tax, etc. did not reflect on the invoice. If one adds up all the taxes, it would have been high in most of the items.


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