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Other Compliances

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ROC Annual Compliances

Compliances which are required to be made once a year by all the companies and LLP incorporated under the Companies Act. ROC compliances are mandatory and cannot be skipped. Noncompliance can lead to penalties and other legal issues pertaining to the Company. All the financial records should be maintained carefully in order to file accurate annual returns. All the Companies and LLP incorporated under the Companies Act are mandatorily required to file various forms, returns, and documents with the Registrar of Companies (ROC) in an electronic mode within the Perscribed time along with the Perscribed fees. It includes filling of various forms like ADT-1, AOC-4, and MGT-7 for companies, and FORM – 8, FORM -11 for LLP. NOTE - If a Company fails to comply with the provisions of annual filing, then the Company and every officer who is in default shall be punishable with the fine for the period for which default continues.

  • ROC Annual Filing for LLP or ROC Annual Filing for OPC or ROC Annual Filing for Private Limited
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  • ROC Annual Filing for LLP or ROC Annual Filing for OPC or ROC Annual Filing for Private Limited
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  • ROC Annual Filing for LLP or ROC Annual Filing for OPC or ROC Annual Filing for Private Limited
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You may have several queries, if Neusource is with you then no worries.

  • What is ROC annual filing?

    Just like Income tax return is submitted to income tax department, same as ROC returns are filed to registrar of companies with ministry of corporate affairs (MCA). It is mandatory for companies to intimate about the management via prescribed ROC forms on annual basis.

  • What is the importance of ROC compliances?

    Every company is required to inform about the working to the Registrar of Companies where it is registered. Returns include financials and annual return. Annual accounts include the balance sheet, profit and loss account and, annual return includes the data regarding list of shareholders, capital details, any transfer of shares happened during the year, addition/removal of key managerial person etc. Such compliances are required to be made once in a year otherwise company will get strike off or closed by ROC.

  • What is annual compliance?

    Legal obligations which have to be fulfilled after incorporation of company are annual compliance. Compliance means they are aware of rules and take steps to comply. Annual compliance means covering all the aspects or legal requirements for whole year to avoid legal penalties.

  • Whether Roc Compliance and annual compliances are same?

    Roc compliances include the annual compliances. Annual compliance denotes the intimation about the financials and annual return on annual basis to ROC i.e., continuous compliances (yearly basis). But, Roc compliance is just intimation about the day to day working of company on every event.

  • What are the E-Forms for Roc Compliance and annual compliances?

    Forms for Annual complianceForm AOC-4, MGT-7, ADT-1 and, Aoc-4 CFS, AOC -4 XBRL Etc.

    Forms for ROC Compliance- DIR-12, DPT-3, DIR-3 KYC SH-7, PAS-3, INC-22 Etc.,


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