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What is NITI AAYOG Registration

What is NITI AAYOG Registration

What is NITI AAYOG RegistrationNITI AAYOG Registration

The government of India needs to maintain an online database of all the process of registration. All non-government organization needs to register under Niti Aayog for receiving grants under various schemes of the government. For this purpose, all the details regarding NGOs need to be maintained. To achieve this purpose the government introduces a dedicated centralized portal that is available for NGOs. This portal will help the government in the formation of social welfare schemes or activities that can be practiced by the NGOs.

Niti aayog full form

NITI Aayog, National Institution for Transforming India, comes into existence on Jan,1,2015 by succeeding the look Commission of India.

NITI Aayog is largely a company for the govt. of India, that aims to achieve the property development and to reinforce cooperative political theory in India by the participation of center still as a state minister.

It is headed by the Honorable Prime Minister of India(Prime Minister is that the Ex-officio chairman of NITI Aayog) and also the governing council consists of all the Chief Minister of states as well as CM of an urban center and Pudducherry, conjointly the Leiutient Governor of Andaman and Nicobar.

It can even think about the member from the extremely recognized University and analysis & Development field accorto the necessities.

Benefits of NITI AAYOG Registration

As we discussed above, the aim of the government is to maintain the databases of the organizations/trust/society that are working for the welfare of the society and asking for the fund to practice their activities. However, the major benefits of getting registered under Niti Aayog are as following:

  • At the time of FCRA registration, a Niti Aayog unique ID is required, however, at present it is optional. 
  • If you want to avail the grants offered by the government then it is mandatory to get registered under Niti Aayog.
  • The databases of all currently active as well as the blacklisted NGOs are maintained with the help of NGO Darpan Portal. 
  • It increases the credibility of the NGO/trust/society which helps them to get a donation from the general public. 
  • Through this portal, you can directly apply for the grant offered by the government which you want to avail.

Eligibility criteria NITI AAYOG Registration

  • A valid email address and phone number
  • PAN Card, Aadhar Card of the governing body members
  • Trust deed or Society registration certificate
  • PAN number of society/trust/NGO

You can’t apply as an individual. A valid PAN Card of society/trust/NGO is mandatory. A unique ID will be provided to the NGOs. While applying for the grant from the ministry as per the objectives of the NGOs they have to mention that unique ID. After getting registration and receiving any grant it’s mandatory to maintain accounts and provide that information to the ministry after the end of the financial year. If your documents are satisfactory and meet all the needs of the registration then it takes 3-5 days to get the application approved. When your application gets approved then a unique ID will be issued which will be used in the future for all correspondence purposes with the government.

The Neusource Startup Minds endorsed the best business startup consultant services like Proprietorship Firm Registration, Partnership Firm Registration, OPC Registration, GST Registration, LLP Registration, Trademark registration, FSSAI Licence, ISO Registration.

13 Mar

Suman Bisht
Suman Bisht

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