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New Company name search List | Check New Company Name Availability in India

New Company name search List | Check New Company Name Availability in India

New Company name search List | Check New Company Name Availability in India

When a businessman heads towards starting a company prior to going forward towards other steps for incorporating the company, the businessman needs to choose a unique company. As the name of the company is the identity of the company and with that name only it will be known to the world during and after its lifetime.

Company name search

There are some rules provided under the Rules [Chapter II The Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014] rule 8 and 8A which should be kept in mind while selecting/choosing the name of the company:-

  • If we want to incorporate the company with the name which is already existing/reserved by only adding the words like Pvt, OPC, LLP, corp or using the plural version of the existing/reserved name won’t make our name unique or different and the department will raise the query regarding its resemble too nearly with the name of an existing company.


  • If Red InfraconPrivate limited is an existing company, so if we will apply for Reds Infracon Private limited or Reds Infracons Private limited then it won’t make any difference in the existing and the applied name.
  • Using some characters, space, marks in the reserved names won’t differentiate our name.


  • If RAM Tech Private Limited is reserved, then if we apply for R.A.M Tech Private Limited, or R A M Tech Private Limited, or R@AM Tech Private Limited, won't make a difference as these are all same and not differentiating our name from the existing one.
  • Changing the tense of the reserved name, using the wrong spelling or phonetic similarity with the reserved name won’t name our name a unique name.


  • Son Private Limited is the same as Sun Private Limited.
  • See Tea Solutions Private Limited is the same as CT Solutions Private Limited, City Solutions Private Limited.
  • Make Tech Buildcon Private Limited is the same as Made tech Buildcon Private Limited.
  • Usage of any domain extension such as “org”, “com”, or changing the order of the reserved company name will not make our proposed company name a unique name.


  • Solar Solutions Private Limited is the same as Solarsolutions.Com Private Limited.
  • Ultra tech Private Limited is the same as Tech ultra Private limited.
  • Using articles like a, an, spelling difference, complete translation, or transliteration of the reserved name in Hindi or English language won’t make any difference in the reserved and proposed name.


  • Unicon Solutions Private limited is the same as Anunicon Solutions Private limited.
  • Inclusion of a place name to reserved name, which is not containing any name of a place in the original.


  • Retric Tech Ltd. is the same as RetricDelhi Tech Ltd.
  • Insertion of or deletion of any numeric depicting numerals in an existing name.


  • Storm Solutions Ltd is the same as Storm11 Solutions Ltd.

Following are the names which are considered Undesirable names:-

  • If it is banned under provisions of section 3 of the Emblems and Names (Prevention and Improper Use) Act, 1950 (12 of 1950),
  • If the trademark is registered with the proposed name in the same class in which the company is going to operate with the.
  • If the name includes a word that is disrespectful to some particular section of the society.
  • If the name is identical or almost matches with the existing company name.
  • If the company object is financing etc and the proposed name is not reflecting the same.
  • The company’s name includes financing etc word but the company’s object is not related to financing activity.
  • The proposed name is matching with the renowned or popular abbreviated description of an existing company.
  • Company name is matching with the company registered outside India.
  • If the name is indicative of the formation of some separate type of business constitution eg:- Society, HUF, etc.
  • If the name includes a word like British India.
  • If the name indicates an association with the embassy or foreign government.
  • The name reflects link with some national hero or some important people holding important positions in the Government.
  • Name matching with the dissolved company and 2 years has not yet completed to the dissolution.
  • Name matching with the strike-off LLP and 5 years has not yet completed to this process.
  • The name includes a bank, insurance, stock exchange, can only be allowed if the mandate requirements are fulfilled with their regulatory.
  • The name includes the “State” word is not allowed except government company.
  • Use of state, city, continent, country.
  • Use of illustrative names which indicates the activity of the company Example, Paper Printing Private limited.
  • The name includes the name of a foreign country.
  • If the name of Section 8 does not contains Foundation, Forum, Association, Federation, Chambers, Confederation, Council, Electoral Trust and the like, etc.
  • If Nidhi company don’t include “Nidhi Limited”.
  • For some words, central government approval is required like commission, board, nation, Prime Minister, etc.

company name search India

Check Company Name Availability Online for Free

Company name search tool helps to search out on the market company names in India, Our name search facility allows you to MCA check name convenience against two million registered company names in operation in India. we tend to square measure reaching to upgrade our name check convenience and business name checker search info with 5 additional countries follows the USA, United Arab Emirates, Australia, Singapore, and therefore the UK.

Getting a trademark for your complete or company is that the next challenge, our on-line new name search tool conjointly helps to search out your trademark convenience alongside your name convenience in addition.

How to check if a company is registered

With the web and alternative trendy sorts of communication, it's easier and low cost for any operation to look legitimate. this suggests that we'd like to take care of who we do business with. Thankfully, the internet also allows us to quickly check whether a particular business has been registered, who its owners are, square measure, and, if necessary, you'll be able to additionally pay a little fee to receive the ROC filings of the entity.

So, however, are you able to do this? All you would like to try to do is head over to the Ministry of Company Affairs website. On this website, you'll be able to check if a selected company exists beneath a forename and have a glance at the master information.

The Master information can tell you once the corporate was incorporated, what quantity of capital it's paid up, and who the directors are and when they were appointed. you'll be able to try this for any Indian company. Here, for example, is data for ANI Technologies Private Limited, or, as you know it, OLA.


How to check a company is registered or not

The Ministry of Company Affairs (MCA) runs a central authority portal containing data of all the organizations/companies registered in India.

Basically, it's a directory to access the list and alternative details of all the businesses and financial obligation partnerships (LLP). It publishes all the knowledge on-line that is publicly on the market on the MCA website

The most effective method to Check Company Name Availability

Following are the means to Check Company Name Availability Online

Step 1:- Go to site then go to the MCA services option.

Step 2:- In company services click on check company name.

Step 3:- Enter the name of the organization, the activities that a company is going to carry and click on the "Search button”.

Step 4:- After that the MCA will provide the names of the existing companies with that word or if the proposed name is unique then MCA will generate the message that the Entered Company/LLP name does not exist.

Suggestions for selecting the unique name of the company:-

  1. A combination of proposed director’s names makes a unique name.
  2. Use of words of the regional language.
  3. A combination of 2- 3 names results in a unique names.
  4. Searching unique names suggestions on Google.

Though filling of the name of the company is purely an online process, a professional can assist you better in this process and they are experts in keeping all the factors in mind and guide you in the correct way.

Choose NeuSource as your business colleague as it comprises of a group of expert professionals.

29 Jul

Neha Puri
Neha Puri

To start a new business is easy, but to make it successful is difficult . So For success, choose the best." Be compliant and proactive from the beginning and choose NEUSOURCE as your guidance partner.

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