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dir 3 kyc


Director identification number (DIN) is a unique identification number given to a person who wants to be a director or already an existing director of a company.

Any DIN which is allotted to a director on 31 March 2018 or after 31 March 2018 and whose DIN status is approved, will have to submit his KYC details to the MCA i.e. Ministry of Corporate Affairs. Directors whose DIN is disqualified by law will also have to proceed with KYC.

Purpose of filing DIR-3 KYC

The purpose of filing Form DIR-3 KYC is to ensure that the updated data in the records of the government of every director who is holding DIN is available and true and secondly to deactivate those DIN’s which are not being used and whose data is not available.

Every director has to file this form before and on 30th September and further, those who have submitted Form DIR -3 KYC in the previous year will proceed next year for DIR -3 KYC–WEB.

Even if a person having a DIN but he is not a director in any company or designated partner in an LLP, he has to file DIR-3 KYC, every person who is having a DIN is required to file Form DIR – 3 KYC.

  • In case a director desire and willing to update his mobile number or the e-mail address, then he or she shall update the same by submitting Form DIR-3 KYC only.
  • In case a director desire to update his permanent or present residential address, Citizenship, Nationality etc., he shall update the same by filing Form DIR- 6 and on approval of Form DIR-6, he shall verify the details through form DIR–3 KYC-WEB.

Directors who have not filed their DIR-3 KYC for FY 2018-19 yet, their DIN status is updated with a remark as ‘Deactivated due to Non-filing of DIR-3 KYC’, but they can reactivate their DIN, after paying a penalty of Rs. 5,000/-.

Details which have to furnished in Form DIR-3 KYC :

  • Citizenship and Nationality details like gender and date of birth
  • Permanent Account Number (PAN)
  • Voters Identity card
  • Passport is mandatory if the DIN holder is a foreign national
  • Driving License
  • Aadhaar Card
  • Contact Number
  • Email Address
  • Residential Address
  • The digital signature of the applicant

After the successful submission of the Form DIR-3 KYC, an SRN will be generated for the applicant.

If the form is filed on or before 30th September, a zero rupee challan is generated along with the SRN which is further used for future perusal.  

Download the form direct from the MCA site: CLICK!!!!!! 

You can even check our previous articles on company compliances. 

16 Jan

Shruti Sharma

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