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EP-1: 11 मिनट में आपका स्टार्टअप रोडमैप तैयार | Startup Roadmap | BEST Web Series for Startup

EP-2: स्टार्टअप आइडिया: पहला कदम सफलता की ओर | Define Your Startup Idea | Web Series for Startup

EP-3: स्टार्टअप आइडिया को लॉन्च कैसे करें? | सफल लॉन्च के लिए जरूरी टिप्स | Web Series for Startup

EP-4: स्टार्टअप की पहचान कैसे बनाएं? आसान प्रोफ़ाइल बिल्डिंग टिप्स | Web Series for Startup

EP-5: हर स्टार्टअप को पूछे जाने वाले जरूरी सवाल | Startup Success Guide | Web Series for Startup

EP-6: अपने स्टार्टअप के लिए सही नाम कैसे चुनें? | Startup Naming Guide | Web Series for Startup

EP-7: कंपनी का नाम रिजेक्ट न होने पाए, क्या करें, क्या ना करें? | Web Series for Startup

EP-8: आपके स्टार्टअप की पहचान – Logo, Slogan, और Tagline की ताकत | Startup Branding Tips 🚀

EP-9: Trademark Secrets: ट्रेडमार्क फाइल करते समय रखें ये सावधानियां | Web Series for Startups

EP-10: कौन सा Business Structure सही है? OPC, LLP, Pvt Ltd, Partnership या Proprietorship?

EP-11: देखिये Private Limited Company बनाने की दास्तान एक अनोखे अंदाज़ में | Web Series for Startup

EP-12: कंपनी पंजीकरण के बाद तुरंत करें ये 11 ज़रूरी काम (Part-1) | Web Series for Startup

EP-13: कंपनी पंजीकरण के बाद तुरंत करें ये 11 ज़रूरी काम (Part-2) | Web Series for Startup

EP-14: स्टार्टअप पेनल्टी से बचें! कंप्लायंस कैलेंडर से करें सही प्लानिंग | Web Series for Startups

EP-15: इन 11 रजिस्ट्रेशन से आपका स्टार्टअप ग्राहक का भरोसा जीत सकता है! | Web Series for Startups

EP-16: स्टार्टअप सर्टिफिकेशन: ISO, CE, GMP- क्यों ज़रूरी हैं? लाभ और प्रक्रिया | Startup Web Series

EP-17: स्टार्टअप इंडिया' स्कीम कैसे बदल सकती है आपके स्टार्टअप का भविष्य | Web Series for Startup

EP-18: आपके नए बिज़नेस की सफलता के लिए जरूरी Legal Agreements और Policies | Web Series for Startup

EP-19: GST: बिजनेस की नींव | रजिस्ट्रेशन, रिटर्न, और सभी नियम | GST for Startup in India

EP-20: बिज़नेस अकाउंटिंग: डेटा से सही फैसले कैसे लें? बैलेंस शीट, P&L और ऑडिट की पूरी जानकारी

EP-21: स्टार्टअप्स के लिए 5 बड़े टैक्स सीक्रेट्स जो बदल देगी आपका खेल! | Web Series for Startup

EP-22: TDS क्यों ज़रूरी है? इनकम टैक्स का सबसे बड़ा राज़ | Web Series for Startup

EP-23: अंत में जानिए MCA & ROC Compliances के राज! | Web Series for Startup

EP-24: जीत की तैयारी: ऑनलाइन सेल्स कैसे बढ़ाएं | सेल्स फनल | Web Series for Startup

EP-25: डिजिटल इमेज: बिजनेस को ऑनलाइन चमकाने के 10 तरीके| Web Series for Startup

EP-26: Get READY For 10x Growth With This SIMPLE Web Series Strategy

EP-27: सही बिजनेस पार्टनर कैसे चुनें? | मास्टर नेटवर्क बनाने का राज़ | Web Series for Startup

EP-28: क्या आप जानते हैं टीम बनाने का तरीका? जानिए Employee Funnel की कहानी| Web Series for Startup

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5 Compelling Benefits of Video Marketing

5 Compelling Benefits of Video Marketing

5 Compelling Benefits of Video Marketing

In the fast-paced world we live in, it’s basic to discover new, one of a kind way  to make your product or service stand out in the crowd of marketers vying for your prospect’s notice. Video marketing is the same old thing,  however it's certainly proving to be a , powerful piece of promoting marketing strategy now like never before. Who hasn’t been sent a funny video to watch or shared an genuinely charged video message? With our hectic schedules, people would regularly like to watch a two-minute video as opposed to taking 15 minutes to read the same information. Presenters at this past year's INBOUND marketing and sales conference all appeared to agree that generally 50% of all the  content marketers produce in 2017should be video. However as per Content Marketing Institute's B2B Content Marketing: 2017 Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends Report, only 60% of B2B marketers have utilized pre-created video as a content marketing strategy,and only 10% are utilizing live streaming.

If you’re not already in the game, it’s time! And if you need a little more convincing, look at these 5 key advantages of video advertising for your business.

1. Video boosts transformation rates.

Video should be seen as an investment – according to Hub Spot, including video for a point of arrival can  increase conversions by 80%! Watching a convincing presenter in a video can  completely impact purchasing conduct and convince a visitor to change over into a lead (or a lead to change over into a client!)as opposite to simply reading the same information alone. Conveying the right emotions through video is an amazing selling  tool! Also, they can fill in as built-in tutorials or tributes, depending on the angle you're going for.

2. Video is a great addition to your email marketing campaigns.

We all get inundated with email and getting someone to really open your email is an expanding challenge. Simply using “video” in your title can build open rates and decrease unsubscribe rates. Video in an email prompts to a 200-300% increase in click-through rate – a amazing statistic. But in most cases, you can’t deny that it’s simpler to watch a video than sit and read text, right? This is especially effective if you're showing how to use your product or express something that you just can’t get across with the same impact through the written word. 

3. Search engines love video.

Search engines are searching for content that engages viewers. Nothing increasingly various and longer page views quite like a video. Not only that, YouTube is the second biggest web search engine behind Google. If you put your video on YouTube as well as your website, your clarity and opportunity to show in search is greatly expanded. What's more, if you promote your video via social media, your chances of getting found go through the roof

4. Video builds trust and credibility.

Video is the perfect method to make a personality for your company and your brand, enabling you to connect with your viewer and earn their faith. 90% of users say that product videos are useful in the choice procedure.. The more videos  need to help instruct and inform your customers, the more you will  establishment  of trust. And trust  means deals. 

5. Video encourages social shares.

Let’s face it: this is the time of viral videos. What's more 92% of mobile video consumers share videos with others. This is your chance to have some good times and truly show what your company is all about. Take this great advertisement from Dollar Shave Club (keep in mind the target audience here). Using humor to let your company’s character shine through will empower shares every time. Video marketing is only developing in scope and you're only restricted by your imagination. From making a how-to video to using Facebook live, there is a wide scope of chances for you to investigate. It’s not only for the big brands anymore, everybody ought to jump aboard with video.

07 Mar

Mohit Bisht
Mohit Bisht

“Whether you think you can, or think you can’t -- you’re right”. Neusource is the platform for settling on a correct decision in each part of the business that assists with developing your business and gives help in every stage which causes your startup to make in each most perfect way.

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