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How you can reach us

You can get in touch with us through phone Call or E-Mail or Whatsapp, we’d love to help. Your Relationship Manager shall call you back and will drop a message to understand your requirements or concerns (You can ask for official mobile number of your Relationship Manager to arrange call for you at your own convenience by mailing at above support id or make a request by emailing us.)

  • Business Hours- 11.00 AM to 5.00 PM
  • Weekly off: Saturday, Sunday
  • **Gazetted Holidays applicable

Take Care

Ask all your questions, whatever is your requirement or any technical query only to your relationship manager; so that he/she can reply to you officially in writing. Any reply other than through mail/ portal/ app shall only be personal opinion of staff and shall not be construed to official reply of Neusource.

Even if you are communicating to any staff of Neusource & you feel comfortable in getting your things directly; still it is request to take your relationship manager in the loop each time so that our backend administration, can monitor the quality, output and timely delivery of services.

Escalation Matrix----We’re here to help

Neusource Startup Minds India Limited deals with the customer grievances and resolves their complaints effectively. The process divided into three parts. As usual when more than one company or individual works together then chances of queries and criticisms are there. It can be from an end-user, customer or service provider who is dealing with something critical, facing hurdle in completing the assignment on time even after making good efforts. Customers have the option to seek help from higher management so that the next higher person (presumably with more authority or decision making powers than the one who was the original service provider or the person assigned with completing a task) can step in and try to resolve the accusations in the best possible manner and as per the policies mentioned underneath.

Level One: Grievance support team equipped with great knowledge base which assists them to have access a list of workflows for the most commonly asked questions.

Level Two: Skill based managers or customer satisfaction managers.

Level Three: Board of the organization resolves queries faster and delights the customer instantaneously. NeuSource has certain Service Level Agreements (SLA’S) with the aim to close the raised ticket within a fixed period of time. A pre-defined time is set for the tickets to be resolved, if the queries are not resolved within two working days then customers has option to escalate the grievance to the senior management.

Here are the certain steps to move forward for solving the queries.

Step 1: Raise your concerns

Customers have the option to raise the concern over mail or call to our Relationship Manager. One new tendency is also there of generation the tickets. You can generate it by using our mobile application. Our executive will reach you with the 2 working days. Customers must provide all the possible information as asked by executive to resolve this complaint in reasonable manner. Basic Information includes your client code that is allotted at the time of becoming our new client, client name, register mobile number and email id with details of Grievance.

Name: Vandana

Contact details: 9891000370

Email Id:

Step 2: Escalate your concern if the complaint is not resolved within 2 working days.

If you grievance not resolved within 2 working days, you can escalate your complaint to our Customer Satisfaction Managers.

Name: Renu Giroti

Contact details: +919821868222

Email Id:

Step 3: Escalate your concern if the complaint is not resolved within next 3 working days.

If your grievances not resolved within 3 working days, you can escalate your complaint to our Managing Director and the Founder. This is the last resort of escalation. We hope you don’t need to come here just to resolve the issues. Above two departments are self-motivated towards their work.

Name: Hemant Gupta

Email Id:

Service Requests (Tickets)

We create Service Tickets just for the customers. These tickets are created and processed for resolution by your relationship manager only. Further these tickets are also forwarded further for follow-ups by concerned persons in organization under close monitoring of your relationship manager. We expect that each issue concerning you shall come across by your relationship manager. Hence we request you to please bring all issues whether big or small to your relationship manager. Our standard ticket resolution time is 48 hours; after which the tickets automatically get transferred to Manager-Client Relations; who closely monitors it for reasons behind abnormal delays. Your concerns are classifieds into following 10 categories.

Query Client Inquiries regarding any technical matter or clarification over tax issues is responded officially.

Status Request Request for assignment status is responded duly.

Delivery Request Any assignment if done but documents not delivered is recorded and arranged to be delivered on priority basis.

Order/ New Requirement Your request for fresh assignment.

Complaint Client complaints over service quality on time delivery or expedition request.

Instruction on Assignments Any special instruction or fact to be taken care for performance of some current or future assignment. We record it with client masters so as to be taken care at the time of execution.

Payment Confirmation Any payment if made by you even then we has not acknowledged it through the system, it means confirmation is pending from accounts department officially.

Inputs/ Explanation Service If client is demanded for any pending document or explanation on some matters and client has served it. We acknowledge the same officially

Accounts Reconciliation Any reconciliation or enquiry regarding accounts with Neusource is analyzed & tallied to get your clarity & confirmation.

Other Any other matter is recorded and resolved reasonably.

Client Policies

Quality Policy

Neusource is committed to Total Quality Management. Our aim is to be recognized by our clients as a preferred source of quality services that consistently meet their evolving needs. We achieve this by understanding our clients’ precise requirements and ensuring that they are successfully and constantly fulfilled. We believe in continuously improving our processes and services in order to attain excellence and ensure that our team is similarly committed to quality improvements.

We are determined to improve productivity and focus continuously on innovation and up-gradation of our services and people. We believe that clients can be served with high quality services only by those organizations in which culture of excellence deliveries. We also believe that culture is developed through a well thought delivery and performance standards with written procedures and thereafter a rigorous follow-up of those standards.

Secrecy Policy

“Neusource Startup Minds India Limited, New Delhi hereby undertake to keep all communications, correspondence, records, information, knowledge, documents and other matters and details exchanged between Neusource and your company or Neusource may become aware of in the course of dealing between us, in strict confidence and shall impose the same obligations on their respective partners, employees and representatives who may be by virtue of this appointment become aware of the above mentioned communications, etc. Neusource and any of the officers or employees of Neusource will maintain utmost confidentiality of information or data of your Company. Neusource will not be allowed to carry any document, record etc. outside your Company. Neusource will not use, reproduce any information, data related to your Company with any third party without any approval or directions of the management. Neusource will keep yourselves indemnified against loss or damage incurred due to any unauthorized use of information related to your company.

We declare that we will not communicate or allow to communicate to any person not legally entitled thereto any information relating to the affairs of any person having any dealings with Neusource nor we allow any such person to inspect or have access to any books or documents belonging to or in the possession of company relating to the business of the company or to the business of any person having any dealing with the company. We also declare that the standard professional ethics will be duly adhered.

Client Value Statement

Neusource aims to serve with…
"A quality service on the propositions that bears real value for our clients. We thrive to provide the best quality output which is unmatched in industry by other co-players. Have a look here, for grounds where we put ourselves different from other level players in the market."

Timely Performance

Accuracy of Output

Connectivity 24*365

Presentable Reporting & Documentation

Quality of Resource Deputed

Why Choose Us

We give best, Because you deserve best.


Inspiration on each page. Neusource has came with tones of experience. Each booklet contains 16-24 page topic specific research work. A lot can change with just one booklet......

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